Tax Season 2019 is over.
Yay!! Taxes are filed! Time to party and enjoy life until next April, right?
Well, yes, you could procrastinate doing your tax preparation like millions of other Americans. Out of sight, out of mind. That works for some folks, but not for others. Often, that means delaying the inevitable. You hope that the mistakes you made on your returns will not be repeated next year.

There is a better way. Here at A.K. Burton, PC, we specialize in helping our clients tax plan. Even if it seems overwhelming and you don’t know where to start, we are here to help you. We can help prepare now, this year, to get your tax plan in order and get ahead of the game. Here are several ways you can prepare for next year’s tax return now:
- Plan your tax write-offs: You have old equipment (mowers, tractors, espresso-makers, computers, cars, etc.) that needs to be replaced. Now is the time to plan on purchasing that equipment to use in your business. However, before you purchase the new equipment that is high-dollar, check with your financial adviser on the tax benefits of the items.
- Set up estimated tax payments: When you filed your 2018 taxes this year, your accountant may have advised you to begin paying your estimated tax bill for 2019, now. Depending on your 2019 projected income and withholdings, your accountant may give you estimates for federal, state, and local taxes. Pay attention to your payment options. For a federal estimated payment, you can register and pay online at or you may have the option of sending payments by direct mail. You may be advised to pay monthly or quarterly. Paying ahead and lessening your burden (or erasing it altogether) by April 15, 2020, is a guaranteed way to get ahead. If you need to generate estimated payments for 2019, AK Burton PC provides this service.
- Make changes to your withholding: If you had a child, got married, got divorced, adopted a child, purchased a home, or made other life changes, you may need to adjust your withholdings from your pay. If so, file a new W-4 with your employer. Many of our clients seek our advice on this topic. Choosing the wrong number of allowances can lead to an unwanted surprise when filing your taxes.
- Give more to your 401k: You may not be working all your life. You may have plans to retire one day. If so, then put more money into your company or private 401k account. You can contribute up to $19,000 each year now, excluding catch-up contributions. If you’re interested in maximizing your retirement and minimizing your tax liability, A.K. Burton, PC is here to help you.
- Re-examine your business structure: “Business as usual” is not always a smart strategy. Becoming an LLC, S or C Corporation may be an upgrade that you need. Check with your tax adviser for the designations which may benefit your tax strategy. At AK Burton, PC we take the time to understand our small business clients and maximize tax strategies such as restructuring.
- Stop procrastinating! Whether your business has just begun or has been around for several years, there are evolving tax strategies to consider. Stop procrastinating and make the changes now. It takes time, and you may have to make some adjustments. But in the long term, it will be worth it for you, your business, your clients, and your family.
Here at A.K. Burton, PC we specialize in tax planning and strategies. We provide the services that our clients need in an ever-evolving work and regulatory environment. It is our mission to use our expertise to help our clients achieve the best results possible for their unique circumstances. Today is the day to begin that strategy. Contact one of our tax advisers at (301) 365-1974 or email us at We serve the Bethesda, MD and the Washington, D.C. area.